Sunday, December 31, 2006



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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The 4 P's of Prosperous Living

Living your most prosperous life is not easy or fast. However if you are willing to implement the 4 P's of Prosperous Living it can get easier and take effect more quickly. The process by which this works (and it works all the time if implemented) is contrary to much of the current Self Help and Motivational ideology.

Before we get to the 4 P's let me share some thoughts around creating our reality. There is an order by which all things arise and work. Every moment is a moment of new creation. On and off states, called dualities, is what we experience in all areas of life. The exact resistance to prosperity gives birth to the equal and opposite creation of prosperity.

When we actively seek the resistance and move into it we discover all the growth we need to launch to the next phase of our life. Do you think our moments arise by accident or as an exactly perfect outcome of a series of natural laws? If it was all accidental, none of the laws of physics would make sense, biology would not make sense, everything would be random. The conclusion, therefore, is that there is an underlying order and precision to all things.

The fact that you have not tapped into this underlying order is not your fault. You simply were not taught how to do this or you have not been exposed to these systems. Remove all guilt, shame and blame from your thought framework. Think about it this way:

At one point in your life you did not know how to read or write. Reading and writing did not suddenly appear, your ability to do so was nurtured and learned.

You did not know how to ride a bike until you learned to ride a bike.

You did not know how to communicate via the internet until you learned how to do so.

The great philosophers of our time and the great scientific minds all agree, that there is an energy source of information that always was and always will be. It exists for everyone to tap into and is everywhere. Some call it God, God Force, Universal Mind, Collective Unconsciousness, Universal Spirit, the Zero Point field and on and on. Do not focus on the label, but on the qualities of this energy. All knowing, ever present, all pervading and readily accessible by all.

Am I making this up? Did you know that Harvard Business School and INSEAD (the top European business school) have discovered from research that some of the most effective new business tools for business leaders are meditation and intuition.

So if this is true why do some gain access to this energy to create the life of their dreams while so many suffer? As noted systems expert, Edward Deming discovered through empirical research, - 90% of all failure is caused by running the wrong system.

There is nothing wrong with you. You are not a failure. You are simply running the wrong system. The Good News is that when you change the System, you immediately Change the Results!

Crack the Prosperity Code is all about using systems to connect to our own personal genius and all of the genius that has ever been and will ever be. These systems can help you break the bondage of scarcity and start living your most prosperous life. One of these systems is the 4 Ps of Prosperous Living (there are many more which I share in the 8 week program).

Prosperity is not an outcome, it is something that we attract by the person we become. We become that person by changing the idea of who and what we think we are.

The obstacle is not with the external world. The obstacle is with your recognition of yourself and your world. The way you perceive and interpret yourself and your world is also a system. Change that system, through seeking new truths, and you change your results. Use the 4 Ps to start changing yourself and watch as the world around you changes!

1. Prospera

The word prosperity is derived from the Latin prospera-re, meaning "to render fortunate." The word abundance is derived from the Latin abunda-re, meaning "to overflow". While today we associate all these terms almost exclusively with money and material gain, in their origins all had meanings that addressed quality of life in broader terms. A prosperous life then is one that is overflowing and one where we co-create in a state of ease or peace.

Concepts such as the "Millionaire Mindset" or "Think Like a Millionaire" or "Retire Rich" are really meaningless. Each of us must decide what sum of material wealth is meaningful for our journey. For some a million is relevant and for others it is not. Decide for yourself what prosperity means in all areas of your life, including:

Family, Career, Health, Relationships, Financial, Social and Civic.

Get clear, be detailed and create a blue print of what prosperity means to you. This is your chance to get it all on paper!

Clarity brings order and order brings opportunity. Chaos cannot exist in the presence of order. Be the order that you wish to bring into your life!

2. Purpose

Living on purpose is a process of discovering what you don't want to do with your life as much as it is what you want to do. There are no failures or bad jobs. These were simply experiences you needed to get clear on what you really love doing. Think about the following questions to build your purpose statement.

1. Decide what you value most in life.
2. Decide what you will do to act on your values.
3. Deciding whom you will serve.
4. Writing it down in one sentence that is easily understood.

When you are working through these questions ask yourself "If I had $10 million in a Swiss bank account how would I answer these questions?". The purpose of this is to remove money or making money as a block to living on purpose.

Money always follows purpose! Money is attracted to people on purpose!

When your purpose is greater than yourself or your bank account you open the door to big money. The greater your purpose the greater your ability to attract people, places and events that conspire to help you fulfill your purpose.

3. Passion

When you get clear on what you value most in life, what action you are going to take to put those values into operation, who you are going to serve and you put it down on paper in one or two sentences, you are ready to step into the world of Passion.

Passion is the most powerful contagion in the world. Think about the last time you purchased a product from a passionate individual. Do you remember your energy and enthusiasm going up? Passion sells you more than any slick presentation.

Speak with passion, dress with passion, communicate with passion and watch as employers and clients line up to give you opportunities. Express your purpose with passion and notice how others come to your aid.

Passion cannot be faked. It is either real or rehearsed. Be the passion that you seek and opportunity will come knocking.

Think about someone in your life who lacks passion. Are they fun to be around? Do other people go out of their way to help them? Do opportunities always show up for them? Do you love to be in their presence?

Passion comes from the heart. When you learn to open up your heart and trust in yourself and the world your passion just comes bubbling out naturally and organically. People will want to be in your energy field and they will want to pay you (and pay you really well) for what you do!

4. Pump of the Value

We have now defined what prosperity means to us, we have started to get clear on our purpose and we are living and breathing organic passion. Now how do we increase what we are getting paid or increase our income?

Money is simply a medium of exchange, nothing less and nothing more. We render our services, ideas and effort and in exchange we receive monetary compensation. Contrary to popular opinion you cannot live a prosperous life by focusing on making more money. This is a losing strategy that might produce good short term results but in the end you are building wealth on a house of cards.

Instead, to make more money focus on delivering more value! The greater the value that you provide to a greater number of people, the greater your compensation. In fact I have derived a formula to help you understand this:

Total Compensation = (TV * TL)^(TP*TPS)

Total compensation equals total value times total lives touched raised to the exponent of total purpose times total passion (the formula comes from the accountant in me= :).

This formula was provided to me in deep meditation. I have used it with many clients and have personally witnessed explosive breakthroughs. New careers, new opportunities, and clients doubling and even tripling their earnings.

This master formula requires you to go deep inside and answer some difficult questions before you can apply it. The internal work must be done before it can be expressed externally. Think about how this formula applies to your life today and how you can change to live your most prosperous life.

Play with this information, apply it, work with it and discover why your most prosperous life is already right here, waiting for you to wake up to it.

Prosperous Living is requires you to shift in who you believe you are. In case you have never been told before - You Are a Genius with with Infinite Potential!
In Abundance,

Paul Ghezzi

P.S. Take the time to read this material and apply it! It is the application which requires the greatest effort but provides the greatest opportunity.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Learning English Online
Learn English using our in-depth English tutorials featuring dozens
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Thursday, May 05, 2005



























Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Personality Type or Psychological Type are terms most commonly associated with the model of personality development created by Isabel Briggs Myers, the author of the world's most widely used personality inventory, the MBTI or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Myers' and her mother, Katharine Briggs, developed their model and inventory around the ideas and theories of psychologist Carl Jung, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and a leading exponent of Gestalt personality theory.

Beginning in the early 1940's, Briggs & Myers extended Jung's model with the initial development of the MBTI. They put Jung's concepts into language that could be understood and used by the average person. Isabel Myers' book "Gifts Differing", published posthumously in 1980, provided a comprehensive introduction to the Jung/Myers theory. Myers' book and her philosophy of celebrating human diversity anticipated the workplace diversity movement.

The MBTI is now a registered trademark of Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc. (CPP) who also publishes and distributes the Inventory. The MBTI is available from CPP and its licensees in approximately 20 foreign languages. In addition, alternate versions of the inventory have been scientifically customized and validated for other languages and cultures for which a straight translation of English language terms would yield inaccurate results.

What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?

Student Learning and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Tuesday, May 03, 2005



于是,这三字可念成“爱(ài)和(hé)乐(yuè)”; 也可念成:“爱(ài)和(hé)乐(lè)”。













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